CZ  /  EN

Twentytwenty (2020)

The series refers formally and content-wise to a decorative ornament inspired by ancient orna-mental aesthetics. Greek ornamentality was the source of inspiration for Europe, which repeate it in many variants, sometimes imaginatively changing and even slavishly copying. Ornamental-ity also refers to natural processes and organic growth.

I was also inspired by the decor used in the form of bars and railings. The decorative grillesand framings could be interpreted as an aesthetic strategy that complements the austerity andfunctionality of architecture. I use a watercolor technique and I work with handmade natura dyes. These ornamental elements thus dissolve and become even more organic and fluid, over-lapping each other. However, the very symbolic function of the bars and railings with decorative elements, which are to visually attract, but also protect the property they guard, is very importan to me. The private space is functionally separated and protected by metal grilles and other ele-ments that ensure impenetrability into space itself.

I reverse this principle of dividing the private and public upside down with the help of the Only-fans application. The application itself was transformed from originally fan bases, which had the opportunity to look into the privacy of celebrities for a paid subscription, into a platform throughwhich ordinary people share their erotic to pornographic photos for a fee. Photos and videos actas performance documentation in this application that sells well to users who are much moreoriented towards the private environment of ordinary people, hungry for their intimacy and isstimulated by sexual lust.Under the pseudonym Bety Better @betybetter, I present my art ina different context than usual, not only due to the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic. Through myartistic alter-ego, I offer the audience the unique view not only of my body, but also of the studioenvironment and at the same time of the art installation or paintings. The artworks are full of linesand curves in color scales combining natural handmade dyes with industrially produced neo acrylic, which symbolically emphasizes the duality and natural process of aging. Grilles, that ini-tially protected the privacy, are now deformed and dissolved under colored gestures.

The protected content is released not only to the public but also to the shared virtual space. However, this release is conditional on the capital that each user has to provide and a financial contribution to gain access to the private material. If the audience is interested, they can sub-scribe to sensitive content that is also subject to the agreement and contractual conditions of the application.